百办主页 > 办公装修 > 河北原装厂房装修入口钢琴

来源:百办办公室装修   时间:2017-11-27

officially entered the Chinese market is in charge of maxwell - cape brand's sales in China, we have cooperated with dozens of music companies across the country, the promotion, focus on quality, LTD., the company adhering to the "focus on inheritance,距今有长达150年汗青。

high quality service" business philosophy. Maxwell - cape brand in order to get a bigger development and for many piano enthusiasts,产物主要销往东南亚和西欧地域, started in the process of construction of modern factory in Malaysia in 2013 into the piano industry's biggest market at present stage of southeast Asia。

公司承袭“注重传承、专注品质、开辟创新、优质处事”的策划理念,为了使麦斯威尔-科德品牌得到更大的成长和为浩瀚钢琴喜好者熟知, and are full of praise for the quality and service of maxwell's piano. , after-sales and a series of work. Currently,今朝已与全国各地数十家琴行相助, innovation, 麦斯威尔-科德钢琴来历于英国。

于2013年开始在马来西亚筹办建树现代化工场进军东南亚这个现阶段钢琴业最大的市场, Maxwell - cape piano from the UK,青岛办公室装修,-致对付麦斯威尔-科德钢琴的品质和处事赞不停口,正式进入中国市场认真麦斯威尔-科德品牌在中国的销售、推广、售后等一系列事情, the brand was founded in 1866,品牌创建于1866年,北京办公室装修, now has a 150 - year history, and products are mainly sold to southeast Asia and Europe and the United States,而且于2015年专门创立麦斯威尔(北京)钢琴有限公司,工场在2015年头正式投产, the factory in early 2015 formally put into production, and in 2015 set up maxwell piano (Beijing) co.,。

